Here at Open Hands Education we love the idea that those who are directly donating to our cause can choose where their donated funds will go. You can choose a programme that aligns to your heart and beliefs or company brand and ethos. Below we have a compiled a list of what we would like to achieve in purchases and ongoing support.

Help to Build New School

Currently the sewing students are meeting upon the rooftop of a generous member of the community’s home. We are aware that as the classes grow and we introduce more subjects this will cause more crowding for the family that lives here. It is for this reason we wish to accelerate the opportunity to fundraise so we can build in a space that will not cause disputes into the future. It is our vision to begin providing Basic English classes to both male and female members of the community so they can advance themselves in life and commiunicate to tourists who journey through nearby cites and can also communicate and understand when international sponsors or english speaking teachers travel to offer their support in specific and specialist skills training. In order to make the centre financially viable one training room could be hired out to external people for usage. In this way basic running costs might be covered through the rent. We wish to thankyou ahead of time for all your kind donations and interested questions.

Marie-Julie 60,000 USD


Women's Empowerment
Pedal powered singer sewing machines, 3 machines for Sujata Village Sewing Centre.
2 machines Dedma Village Sewing Centre


Support For Teacher Salary- Monthly Or One Time
We are eager to secure another 6 months wages to ensure our students and families that our programmes are secured into the future. We are also seeking another teacher of different sewing skills for our advanced students and will be requiring some wages to support her once we are happy with our applicant. For each teacher for 6 Months


Support a Village Doctor
To control the spread of diseases and reduce the growing rates of mortality due to lack of adequate health facilities, special attention needs to be given to the health care in rural areas. The key challenges in the healthcare sector are low quality of care, poor accountability, lack of awareness, and limited access to facilities. Kindly, give your helping hands and help us to provide medical services in rural area.You can make big difference in people lives providing 30,000 Rs each month to keep them happy and healthy.


Donate A Blanket & Save A Life This Winter Appeal
There is hard winter season every year in Bihar, where a lot single women and poorest old age person die due to lack of winter warm clothing. But government, local governance and society don't take care for facilities to these vulnerable old age persons. If they fall ill, also there are no one who take care and provide medical facilities. They urgently require warm clothing i.e. blanket to prevent from death due to hard cold. They live a very hard and miserable life in winter season. Double Size Blankets Thick quality


Provide Clean Water For Everyone
This gift is devoted to providing communities with clean, healthy water for daily living. With the gift of clean water, your donation:
Helps families install hand pumps for better access to clean water.
Teaches communities about managing water resources.
Improves health by highlighting the importance of proper sanitation.

Millions of people around the world still lack access to clean drinking water. In the impoverished communities where Open Hands Education is working, many of the homes lack running water, and some families do not even have a well nearby. Instead, they must spend each day fetching water. This is often a chore left to the children — especially girls — leaving no time for school. But Open Hands Education has a solution. This is one burden we can help lift together by helping families and communities install Hand pumps and teaching them the value of water conservation.


Small Sewing Starter Kit
You are most welcome to donate small Sewing starte Kits for children who are unable to purchase


Big Sewing Starter Kit
You are most welcome to donate small Sewing starte Kits for children who are unable to purchase


Beauty Therapy Training
If anyone would like to do sponsorship for beauty Training for girls in our local city to enhance their skills then you are most welcome. 6 Months Traning for each girl.

Wages for Students to create Female Hygeine Products
We enviasge a small employment opportunity for successful students to utilise the sewing centre on our behalf and create menstrual belts for poorer outer region women.
Machine Purchase - Village micro-business opportunityr
For the creation of Menstrual pads and Widow Employmentr
At Open Hands Education we rely on the love and support of people away from the villages to help our projects begin and take hold. It is our hope that once the members of each village see the overall positive benefits to the lives of their women and children they might begin to collect community funds to run the programmes themselves. This might not happen for some times as much research has to go into finding responsible people who behave with ethics and integrity, thinking of the highest good for the community developements, not for personal gain. For the human spirit to soar and feel empowered personal and community ownership must, at some point be given a chance to bloom. Western or City money is not always the long term solution. But we have to start somewhere. We deeply appreciate all people who decide to walk this journey with us and give a helping hand to those who need it.
Thankyou for your Support